Saturday, March 9, 2024

Top 10 Uses of Castor Oil

1. **Promoting Hair Growth:** Castor oil is often used as a natural remedy to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. It contains ricinoleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties that may help improve scalp health and stimulate hair follicles. 
2. **Moisturizing Skin:** Castor oil is rich in fatty acids, making it an excellent natural moisturizer for dry skin. It can be applied topically to hydrate and soften the skin, and may also help soothe conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 
3. **Treating Acne:** Due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil can be used to help treat acne. It may help reduce inflammation, unclog pores, and kill bacteria that contribute to breakouts. 
4. **Relieving Constipation:** Castor oil is a well-known home remedy for relieving constipation. When ingested, it acts as a stimulant laxative, promoting bowel movements by increasing the movement of muscles in the intestines. 
5. **Reducing Joint Pain:** Castor oil can be massaged onto joints to help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis and rheumatism. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help relieve swelling and improve mobility.
6. **Soothing Sunburns:** The moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil make it an effective remedy for soothing sunburned skin. Applying castor oil to sunburned areas can help reduce pain, redness, and inflammation. 
7. **Fighting Fungal Infections:** Castor oil has antifungal properties that may help combat fungal infections like athlete's foot and ringworm. Applying castor oil to affected areas can help inhibit the growth of fungi and promote healing. 
8 . **Promoting Wound Healing:** Castor oil has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for promoting wound healing. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent infection and reduce inflammation, allowing wounds to heal more quickly. 
9. **Easing Menstrual Cramps:** Massaging the abdominal area with castor oil may help relieve menstrual cramps. The oil's anti-inflammatory properties can help relax muscles and reduce pain associated with menstrual cramps. 
10. **Improving Oral Health:** Some people use castor oil for oil pulling, a traditional Ayurvedic practice believed to improve oral health. Swishing castor oil around in the mouth for several minutes may help reduce bacteria, plaque, and bad breath. 

While castor oil is generally considered safe for topical use, it should be used with caution when ingested and may cause side effects in some individuals. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before using castor oil for medicinal purposes, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Friday, March 8, 2024

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

4 Tricks to Lower Blood Sugar & Maintain a healthy Pancreas

Free report: 4 Tricks to lower your blood sugar (and BOOST fat loss) Tricks to Lower Blood Sugar", you'll discover:

How a very specific exercise trick can dramatically increase insulin sensitivity & lower your blood sugar (at the same time)
A common ingredient at your local grocery story that’s clinically proven to decrease blood sugar by up to 29% (but only if you choose the right form)

Does Cinnamon Help Diabetes?
Cinnamon comes in two varieties -- Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon is the kind most Americans use for baking and cooking. It's also the variety most researchers have used when they've studied cinnamon and diabetes.

Some of this research has shown that cinnamon may lower blood sugar by decreasing insulin resistance. In people with type 2 diabetes, the sugar-lowering hormone insulin does not work as well. This leads to higher blood sugar levels.

In one study, volunteers ate from 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon for 40 days. One gram of ground cinnamon is about half a teaspoon. Researchers found that cinnamon reduced cholesterol by about 18% and blood sugar levels by 24%.
The #1 WORST blood-sugar-spiking carb EVER (it’s hidden in everything) and 2 quick tips to avoid it
And best of all... the EASIEST carb trick of all time that, believe it or not, lowers blood sugar levels and boosts fat loss in as little as 45 seconds flat

blood-sugar-spiking carbs ? Not only do high-sugar foods like candy, cookies, syrup, and soda lack nutritional value, but these low-quality carbohydrates also cause a dramatic spike in blood sugar levels and can contribute to weight gain, both of which can worsen diabetes complications. Learn to satisfy your sweet tooth by snacking on high-quality carbohydrates such as fresh fruit. Apples, berries, pears, grapes, and oranges all have sweet, juicy flavors and are packed with fiber to help slow the absorption of glucose, making them a much better choice for blood sugar control. When snacking on fruit, pair it with a protein food, such as a string cheese, nonfat yogurt, or handful of nuts, to further reduce the impact on your blood sugar

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Pancreas

Adopting a few good habits will help to ensure a healthy pancreas, changing your diet is one of the most helpful ways to maintain proper functioning of the pancreas. Foods such as fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, veggies, beans, and fruit, can help to protect against pancreas diseases and disorders. Eating raw and unprocessed foods can also be helpful in maintaining a healthy pancreas. It is also important to limit meat consumption and to choose foods low in fat.

Most importantly along with changing your diet, you also must eliminate some foods and habits that may hinder pancreas health. Getting a massage and detoxification of the body will help your pancreas. Proper massage and a natural detoxification regimen are both great ways to help the body rid itself of harmful toxins. On top of that, you must eliminate sugars, tobacco, and alcohol from the body which all aid in deterioration of the pancreas.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Super Foods to a better Health

This self help site is going to be quick and straight to the point about
all your needs to be able to live a healthy longer life ..

It is said shouldn't need so much exercise if you only
eat a correct diet and after a few tries you should get it all together
so not only will you start losing weight but feel better ..
Maybe with a few herbs , or super foods , and a better diet ..
and you will be proud of yourself , but it takes will ,
and determination to succeed ..
I will not paint a pretty picture for you as most others do ..
everyone's dna and structure is different .. the best way to see is ask
yourself a few questions ..( which we will later discuss in another blog )
but Yes most are beneficial and great for the body .

so ..HERE WE GO !

Key Fact

Water .... yes believe it or not , everyone needs at least 1/2 ounce per pound that you weigh .. so if you weigh 120# you need 60 ounces of water per day.
Your liver and your kidneys will thank you and reward you with great results .

The Top Healthiest Superfoods You NEED to Know About for Extreme Health and Longevity

These are definitely some of the best foods you can eat for your health... Full of antioxidants, chock full of vitamins, minerals and good fats; they help to fix the damage we do every day with diets, environmental stressors, chemical additives and physical stress. If you can include a few servings of these foods in your weekly diet, you will be adding a lot to your good health, and preventing many diseases that could be coming your way otherwise.

The list includes some you may already know about ..

Goji Berry
Goji or wolfberries have long played important roles in Chinese medicine where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect the liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other things. They can be eaten raw, consumed as juice or wine, brewed into an herbal tea, or prepared as a tincture. Without a doubt, goji berries are one of the best antioxidant rich foods you can eat.

Almonds, Walnuts and Other Nuts
A high-fat food that's good for your health? You betcha!
Almonds and walnuts sit at the top of the heap for nutrition, but other nuts are healthy, too, including pistachios, pecans, and cashews. Nuts are high in monounsaturated fats, the same type of health-promoting fats as are found in olive oil, which have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Five large human epidemiological studies, including the Nurses Health Study, the Iowa Health Study, the Adventist Health Study, and the Physicians Health Study, all found that nut consumption is linked to a lower risk for heart disease.Researchers who studied data from the Nurses Health Study estimated that substituting nuts for an equivalent amount of carbohydrate in an average diet resulted in a 30% reduction in heart disease risk.A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition indicates that when foods independently known to lower cholesterol, such as almonds, are combined in a healthy way of eating, the beneficial effects are additive. In this study of 12 patients with elevated LDL cholesterol levels, a diet containing almonds and other nuts, plant sterols (also found in nuts), and soluble fiber (in high amounts in beans, oats, pears) reduced blood levels of all LDL fractions including small dense LDL (the type that most increases risk for cardiovascular disease) with near maximal reductions seen after only 2 weeks.

Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that may help to lower cholesterol. In one study of people with moderately high cholesterol levels, individuals who ate a diet high in avocados showed clear health improvements. After seven days on the diet that included avocados, they had significant decreases in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, along with an 11% increase in health promoting HDL cholesterol.
Avocados are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can help to guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke.One cup of avocado has 23% of the Daily Value for folate, a nutrient important for heart health. One study showed that individuals who consume folate-rich diets have a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke than those who do not consume as much of this vital nutrient.

Garlic, Onions, Leeks and Shallots
- In a study of centenarians (people living over 100 years of age), it was found that high garlic and onion consumption was one of the factors that surveys revealed may have partial involvement in their longevity. Garlic and onions are a couple of the best sources of uniquely powerful antioxidants. Garlic health benefits and medicinal properties have long been known. Garlic has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug", with a reputation in folklore for preventing everything from the common cold and flu to the plague! It has been used extensively in herbal medicine. Raw garlic is used by some to treat the symptoms of acne, and the common cold, and there is some evidence that it can assist in managing high cholesterol levels. It can even be effective as a natural mosquito repellent.A stronger tasting clove of garlic has more sulphur content and hence more medicinal value. Some people prefer to take garlic supplements. These pills and capsules have the advantage of avoiding garlic breath.Modern science has shown that garlic is a powerful antibiotic, albeit broad-spectrum rather than targeted. The body does not appear to build up resistance to the garlic, so its positive health benefits continue over time.
Studies have shown that garlic - especially aged garlic - can have a powerful antioxidant effect.

Tomatoes are a rich source of several nutrients. They are well known for their high vitamin C content, but also contain significant amount of vitamin A, B vitamins including niacin and riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium. Tomatoes are also a good source of chromium, folate, and fiber. In recent years a particular nutrient found in abundance in tomatoes, lycopene, has made many headlines for its disease fighting abilities. Lycopene is well known as a preventer of prostate cancer, which makes tomatoes high on the healthy food list for men. Lycopene is not just important for men though. It is a powerful antioxidant and as such helps to protect the cells in our bodies from damage. Studies in humans have shown that lycopene is protective against a variety of cancers including prostate of course, but also colorectal, breast, lung, endometrial, pancreatic, bladder, cervical and skin cancers. Lycopene has also been shown to help prevent heart disease and may slow the development of cataracts and macular degeneration, an age related vision problem that can lead to blindness. The vitamin B6, niacin, potassium, and folate found in abundance in tomatoes are potent protectors against heart disease. Niacin can lower high cholesterol levels and potassium has been shown to lower high blood pressure and to reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6 and folate also work to convert the homocysteine in our bodies into harmless molecules. High levels of homocysteine are associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
The fiber in tomatoes also helps lower cholesterol levels, helps prevent colon cancer, and helps to keep blood sugars at a low level. Tomatoes are a source of riboflavin, which has been shown to be helpful for migraine sufferers by reducing the frequency of their headaches.

Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritionally beneficial of all foods. Their nutritional value was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago. Recently, in the USA, numerous scientific studies suggest the importance of sprouts in a healthy diet. As an example, a sprouted Mung Bean has the carbohydrate content of a melon, vitamin A of a lemon, thiamin of an avocado, riboflavin of a dry apple, niacin of a banana, and ascorbic acid of a loganberry. Other studies have shown sprouts to be a powerful antioxidant and may assist in preventing some types of cancer. Sprouts are the most reliable year-round source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and many B vitamins (such as folacin). Sprouting seeds, grains, and legumes greatly increases their content of those vitamins. For example, the vitamin A content (per calorie) of sprouted Mung beans is two-and-a-half times higher than the dry bean, and some beans have more than eight times more vitamin A after being sprouted. Sprouts preserve our body's enzymes, which is extremely important. How do they do this? Sprouted beans, grains, nuts, and seeds are extremely easy to digest. Sprouting essentially pre-digests the food for us by breaking down the concentrated starch into simpler carbohydrates and the protein into free amino acids, so our own enzymes don't have to work so hard. Sprouting also removes anti-nutrients such as enzyme inhibitors, and that makes sprouts even easier to digest, further sparing enzymes. Another anti-nutrient is phytates, which is what stops some people from enjoying grains such as wheat. Many people who can't eat unsprouted wheat find they can eat all the sprouted wheat they want with no problem.
Almost any vegetable or grain can be consumed from sprouts. Broccoli, canola, cauliflower, and mustard greens sprouts are loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein, enzymes, and chlorophyll. In a recent study, 1 oz. of broccoli sprouts had the same cancer-fighting power as over 11⁄2 pounds of fully-grown broccoli.

Grass-Fed Raw Dairy Milk, Cheese, and Butter
Few people are aware that clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows was actually used as a medicine in the early part of the last century. That's right. Milk straight from the udder, the "stem cell" of foods, was used as medicine to treat, and frequently cure some serious chronic diseases. From the time of Hippocrates to until just after World War II, this "white blood" nourished and healed uncounted millions.Clean raw milk, cheeses, and butter from grass-fed cows are a complete and properly balanced food. You could live on it exclusively if you had to. Raw dairy contains a wealth of healthy substances including: amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats such as CLA.
Amino acids are building blocks for protein. Depending on whom you ask, we need 20-22 of them for this task. Raw dairy products have all 20 of the standard amino acids. About 80% of the proteins in milk are caseins- reasonably heat stable but easy to digest. The remaining 20% or so fall into the class of whey proteins, many of which have important physiological effects (bioactivity). Also easy to digest, but very heat sensitive-and lost in the pasteurization process, these include key enzymes and enzyme inhibitors, immunoglobulins, metal-binding proteins, vitamin binding proteins and several growth factors.
Lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein, has numerous beneficial properties including (as you might guess) improved absorption and assimilation of iron, anti-cancer properties and anti-microbial action against several species of bacteria responsible for dental cavities. Recent studies also reveal that it has powerful antiviral properties as well.

Grass-Fed Meats and Wild-Caught Salmon
Grass-fed beef and wild caught salmon have more beta-carotene, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids than beef produced using conventional cattle-feeding strategies.
Three ounces of ground beef from cattle fed conventional diets contain about 41 micrograms of beta-carotene and a typical rib eye steak has 36 micrograms. In contrast, meat from cattle fattened predominately on ryegrass has almost double the beta-carotene, 87 micrograms in 3.5 ounces of ground beef and 64 micrograms in a steak.
Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is a critical fat-soluble vitamin that is important for normal vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division and cell differentiation.

Fermented Foods
Lacto-fermented foods have been around for a very long time. Common in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and North and Central European cuisine, fermentation has been used to enhance the flavor of food, create food, and help food having a longer shelf life. Fermented foods are delicious and nutritious. These traditional foods are key to our health.
Fermentation allows the bacteria, yeasts and molds to "predigest" and therefore break down the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to create probiotics which offer friendly bacteria into the digestive tract. This helps keep our immune system strong and supports overall digestive health.

and newly discovered foods in the last few years .. such as:

Chlorella - The World's Greatest Healthy Aging Food!
Chlorella is a single-celled, water-grown algae that contains more health-enhancing chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. It is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and many other nutrients that are beneficial to your health. Chlorella also has an abundance of nucleic acids, which have powerful rejuvenating properties that regulate the aging process, supports youthful looking and wrinkle-free skin, and helps you have a longer potential lifespan.

Moringa - The "Miracle Tree" of Cell Rejuvenation and The Enemy of Abnormal Cell Growth
The moringa is a genus of trees indigenous to Southern India and Northern Africa, and now cultivated in Central and South America, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines. The leaves of the species called moringa oleifera, have become recognized in recent years as being highly beneficial to human health.

Maca - The Sacred Plant More Precious Than Gold!
Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a hearty root vegetable that grows in the high Andean plateaus of Peru. It is full of essential nutrients drawn from the mineral rich soil of the high Andes and the ancient Inca worshipped it as a sacred plant.

Spirulina - The Most Nutrient-
Dense Food on the Planet! Spirulina is a blue green algae, considered to be the most nutrient dense food on the planet.
Because spirulina's nutrient profile is more potent than that of any other food, plant, grain or herb, it is considered a superior whole food alternative to isolated vitamin supplements. In addition to its contribution to the body's nutritional needs, it has been shown to support beneficial outcomes when concerned about:

Cacao - The No. 1 Longevity Food
Cacao comes from raw cacao seeds, the product of a fruit grown on the cacao tree (theobroma cacao), which grow naturally in the shade of tropical rainforests in South America and the West Indies. Cocoa, a component of chocolate, is derived from cacao, which many researchers dub as "one of nature's most fantastic superfoods." Here are just a few of cacao's far-reaching health benefits:

Wheatgrass - The Absolute Best Superfood for the Rejuvenation of Aging Cells ..
Wheatgrass is the young grass of the common wheat plant, triticum aestivum. Its leaves are juiced or dried into powder for human consumption. consuming wheatgrass juice promotes a healthy aging process because it cleanses the blood, thereby helping to rejuvenate aging cells and helping to tighten loose and sagging skin.

Camu-Camu - The Superfruit with 600 Times More Vitamin C Than Oranges!
Camu camu is a bush that grows in the black water rivers of the South American Amazon rainforest. Its purplish red berries are a rich source of antioxidants and powerful phytochemicals that support and enhance health. Camu camu berries contain the highest amount of Vitamin C of any botanical source—30 to 60 times more than a fresh orange. But when they are dried and reduced to powder form (as they are in Mega-Nutrition Organic Superfood blend), they deliver 600 times more Vitamin C than oranges! This amount of Vitamin C provides extraordinary immune system support and enhances mental health. The berries also contain beneficial phytochemicals, such as leucine, serine and valine, as well as significant levels of beta carotene, calcium, iron, potassium, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin and thiamine—all of which provide these nutritional and therapeutic benefits:

Acai - The Most Antioxidant- Rich Superfood in the World!
The acai berry (Euterpe Oleracea), the fruit of the Acai Palm tree which grows in the flood plains of the Amazon in Brazil, is a small, black-purple berry that is considered by many to be one of the world's most nutritious foods. That's because it's the most antioxidant-rich superfood in the world, with a phenomenally high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value. These berries contain a high concentration of beneficial anthocyanins—up to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine!

Here are some "food tricks" to help you control calories, cravings, and appetite...

#1. About 20 minutes before every meal, eat one handful of nuts such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, etc...preferrably raw nuts (as this reduces the oxidation of polyunsaturated fats), but any nuts will still do the trick. This is a trick I've used myself and I've used with many of my clients in the past that ALWAYS helps people to control their appetite and get lean FAST!
The reason it works is because the healthy fats, fiber, protein, and density of micronutrients (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals) in nuts help to satisfy a lot of the nutrition needs of your body, thereby greatly reducing your appetite before eating full meals.
We add the handful of nuts about 20 minutes before each meal because this allows enough time for your body to signal to the brain that it received this nutrition and thereby reduce your appetite.
Also, this basically substitutes a healthy super nutrient-dense source of calories into your diet multiple times per day, and increasing your % of your calorie intake from nuts as opposed to other types of foods aids your body in decreasing body fat.

The 2nd "food trick" This is a trick I didn't know about until recently, and it involves food scent.

Smelling food can trick your brain into thinking you've eaten. A recent study found that those who inhaled peppermint in scent form every 2 hours ate (get this) 2700 calories LESS per week than they normally did. Let me put that in perspective: That's a fatloss of more than half a pound a week... from sniffing peppermint!
Vanilla also works. You can keep vanilla-scented drops or even candles around the office and take a wiff every few hours. How easy is that?

**Problem with supplements:

This problem is quite simply this... YOU DON'T NEED THEM for optimal health, IF you're eating right.
The fact is, you don't need supplements as long as you eat a well rounded diet full of unprocessed whole natural foods, lots of variety, high nutrient density, lots of fruits, veggies, whole unrefined grains, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, organic meats, fish, etc, etc.The problem is that most people don't have time or don't make enough of an effort to eat this type of optimal diet with proper balance and super-high nutrient density.
However ... In this case, I concede that supplementation has a few benefits for people who struggle to eat right all of time and may be missing many essential nutrients.

There are dozens of "minor" things that can all have small, but cumulative effects on your metabolism and fat burning efforts.
Some of these that I've written about are:

*Use of cruciferous veggies to help fight the xenoestrogens your body is exposed to (that can make stomach fat particularly stubborn)
*Use of green/black/white/oolong teas to have very slight increases in fat burning effect
*Use of capsaicin to have a slight thermogenic effect and increase in calorie burning
*Use of cinnamon which is proven to control blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and thereby help to control appetite/cravings and burn more fat
*and dozens more simple little "tricks" like this that can all add up.
I've made sure to stress that none of these are "miracles" that will magically transform your body...

I've always tried to stress that the main aspects of your lifestyle, training consistency and strategy, nutritional habits, and mindset are vitally more important than any of these minor "tricks and tips". But, I also honestly think that if you consistently combine many of these minor aspects like spices, teas, food types, etc, etc -- that you can see a legitimate increase in your fat burning results. Although I don't believe in "Fat Burners" per se, I found a great new product that I think can help to maximize your metabolism...
This product contains some of the things I've talked about before... green tea, cinnamon, capsaicin, L-tyrosine, AKG, and a few other goodies.

I don't think it's a "miracle fat burner" or any nonsense like that...but I DO think it can help to give you the edge and increase your metabolism. Based on some of the ingredients, it could help to control blood sugar, control cravings, increase thermogenic caloric burning, etc... check it out:

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

4 Foods That Naturally Purge Toxins From Your Body

4 Foods That Naturally Purge Toxins From Your Body (helps "release" trapped fat cells)

Food #1: Turmeric (clean your fat burning filter)
Turmeric is now being touted in the innovative medical community as the “fountain of youth” super spice.

Used predominantly in Indian cuisine, the root of this spice is used for dozens of health benefits, including acting as a powerful, all-natural anti-inflammatory agent.Often considered the forgotten spice, turmeric can assist your liver’s enzymes in flushing out carcinogens from your body.This is critically important for optimal health and efficient fat loss because your liver acts as a natural detoxifier. It’s your body’s fat burning filter and turmeric will help you keep it healthy.A poor functioning liver will ZAP you of your energy and make it nearly impossible to shed unwanted body fat because it’s responsible for the elimination of drugs, pesticides, and environmental chemicals from your body.
Turmeric not only helps you maintain a healthy functioning liver, research indicates curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, may help reduce joint pain caused from inflammation and lower your blood sugar to eliminate cravings...all of which will keep your body in a “fat burning environment”.As you can clearly see, this spice is definitely one you want to be making good use of. It will help you flush out more “trapped” fat and it just so happens to work perfectly with food #2 below.
Food #2: Lemon Juice (purge toxins from your blood)

The all-natural alkalizing effect of fresh squeezed juice, from organic lemons, has a very powerful detoxifying effect that can purge toxins from the blood and help assist in removing harmful compounds from your body.
Almost everybody has been misled to believe lemons are acidic, but inside your body lemons are an incredibly alkaline food that can help balance your body’s pH, which means better health and higher energy levels.
Lemon juice has also been shown to improve your digestive function, acts as a mild diuretic and is loaded with healthy nutrients (citric acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin) that helps boost your immune function.
Combine all these benefits together and you have the PERFECT environment for faster fat loss. All you need to do to get all these healthy fat fighting benefits is squeeze a medium sized lemon (use organic to avoid residual pesticides) into a small glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.
But this is really only the beginning. When you combine this little trick with the ones I provide on the next page, you can supercharge every single one of the benefits listed above.

Food #3: Cruciferous Vegetables
(destroy fat storing estrogen)
Cruciferous vegetables contain a naturally occurring ingredient called 3,3′-Diindolylmethane or DIM for short. DIM is strongly anti-estrogenic, so it helps block xenoestrogens (sometimes called obsesogens)…otherwise known as BAD estrogen that accumulates inside your body from constant exposure to environmental toxins.
This hormone is the reason why women are storing more and more belly fat in today’s day and age – and it’s also responsible for chronically low testosterone levels in men. This causes all kinds of nasty side effects like facial hair in women and “man boobs” in men. Not to mention it makes it VERY difficult to lose weight.
DIM not only wards of off bad estrogen, it also acts as an immunostimulant, which means it can naturally “boost” your immune system and Wikipedia even touts this ingredient to have various potent anticancer properties. So including these foods in your diet could go a long way.
Obvious choices to add to your daily nutrition plan are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and cabbage. Some other, lesser-known, super veggies include swiss chard, arugula, collard greens, bok choy, kale, and watercress.
IMPORTANT TIP: Since DIM is fat soluble, it’s best to consume these veggies with other healthy oils and friendly fats like grass fed butter. This will greatly enhance the absorption of these powerful fat-fighting nutrients.
I'll show you dozens of other healthy foods that can KILL BAD HORMONES and accelerate your rate of fat loss on the next page.

Food #4: Tart Cherries
(recover FASTER and stop inflammation)

Over 111 million prescriptions are issued yearly for anti-inflammatory drugs. These meds have been shown to wreak havoc on your digestive system, while causing damage to your heart, your liver, and your kidneys.
But the anthocyanins and phenols found in tart cherries have been shown to provide STRONGER protection against muscle injury and damage than these dangerous drugs. In other words, this tiny fruit has been proven BETTER than things like Ibuprofen for reducing inflammation and muscle soreness.
In fact, over 74 published studies indicate tart cherries deliver a high level of protection against cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and can even fight against Alzheimer’s. Many of them also validate tart cherries and tart cherry beverages speed up recovery time from exercise and reduce inflammatory markers significantly.
But there’s MORE...tart cherries also contain a hefty dose of naturally occurring melatonin (improves sleep) and they have one of the highest anti-oxidant scores of all fruits and they score amazingly low on the glycemic index (~20). So they’re one the best fruits to eat for fat loss.
So by eating a hefty dose of tart cherries (or organic, flash pasteurized tart cherry juice) you can help your body recover faster, reduce joint pain through the anti-inflammatory response, sleep better, and fight inflammation to "flush out" more trapped fat from your body.

Can You Really Afford NOT To Learn The Real Truth About The Foods You Buy And Eat?

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Baking Soda & death (reduces your chance of a premature death)
* German Dr’s “2-Minute Ritual” for 1-pound of DAILY belly fat loss:
* This specific APPLE helps fight body fat more than other apples
* How to lose your “menopause belly” (3 simple tricks)
* Lemon + water + acv + cinnamon (morning energy tonic)
* The #1 trick to DETOX your system & melt fat fast (try THIS in the morning…)
* Lemon water & turmeric (delicious morning elixir, and fights inflammation)
* Ginger: 9 ways this super-root improves your health (including inflammation-fighting, aiding fat loss, fighting cancer, easing nausea, and lots more)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Turn Gray Hair Back to Its Natural Color

Does Wheatgrass Turn Gray Hair Back to Its Natural Color?

ray hair: The ultimate telltale sign of aging. Approximately half of all 50-year-olds are at least 50% gray. Try as you may to postpone the inevitable with expensive, foul-smelling and messy dyes, the battle against gray is predictable... gray is pretty much the undefeated champion. Or is it?

Regular consumption of the young grass of a common wheat plant can recolor those grays so that you can enjoy your lush, natural color well into your senior years. And it doesn't just stop at the gray. This young cereal grass slows down the entire aging process by rejuvenating your cells, detoxifying your body, fighting tumors and tightening loose and sagging skin.

Gray Isn't Just a Sign of Age

The age-old healing system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) links hair pigmentation to the quality of your blood and the strength of your kidneys. According to TCM, gray doesn't mean old as much as it points to weak kidneys and blood.

Made up of 70% chlorophyll, wheatgrass, from the wheat plant triticum aestivum, restores the health of your kidneys and blood.

Chlorophyll helps to strengthen, build and oxygenate the blood. It is remarkably similar to hemoglobin, a compound that carries oxygen to the blood. Once consumed, chlorophyll is transformed into blood. It then transports nutrients, such as oxygen, to your cells, tissues and organs, rejuvenating, protecting and strengthening.

Renowned nutritionist, Dr. Bernard Jenson, discovered that wheatgrass and other green juices high in chlorophyll are nature's best blood builders. In his book Health Magic Through Chlorophyll From Living Plant Life, he cites several cases in which he was able to boost red blood cell count in a matter of days simply by having patients soak in a chlorophyll-water bath. Consuming wheatgrass and other green juices regularly has been proven to boost red blood cell count even more rapidly.

Beyond Beautification and into Total Body Health

Wheatgrass is made up of an impressive array of nutrients that reinforce and rejuvenate everything from our cells and tissues to our organs and bodily systems. In addition to its 70% chlorophyll makeup, wheatgrass contains 17 essential amino acids, 90 minerals, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes. Prominent research scientist Dr. Earp-Thomas says that, "15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth."

Wheatgrass delivers an impenetrable line of defense against disease. An all-natural and powerful detoxifier, wheatgrass protects the liver and purifies the blood by neutralizing toxic substances such as cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury and polyvinyl chloride.

Detoxifying is the first step. From there, wheatgrass takes the offensive as a proven anti-cancer agent that stops tumors in their tracks.

Fact: Cancer cells cannot develop in oxygen rich environments!
Wheatgrass is an abundant source of liquid oxygen. Boosting the production of red blood cells and increasing oxygen in the blood helps fight cancer cells because cancer cannot survive in such alkaline rich environments.

A recent study published in the journal Mutation Research pitted chlorophyll against beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E. Chlorophyll had a greater anti-cancer effect than all the other nutrients. Wheatgrass truly is total body nutrition in one gulp!

Why Has This Proven Anti-Aging Cure Been Hushed Up?

Practically every week, new alternative health breakthroughs are discovered. Most of these anti-aging and longevity cures are already scientifically proven to heal a wide variety of diseases... eliminate pain... slow down or reverse the aging process... and enhance total body wellness. Yet, these powerful health alternatives—most of which are inexpensive or free—are unknown to most people because mainstream media rarely reports them. To the contrary, these powerful health solutions are systematically suppressed and even banned.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

6-Min Ritual Burns Fat ALL Day Long

The Nutrition Watchdog newsletter:

My good friend and colleague Craig Ballantyne has a little article for you below about his tested "morning ritual" which he's proven to work with 1000's of his clients (yes, BOTH men and women) for getting in amazing shape, and the basis of his method takes only 6 minutes per day (the trick involves both nutrition AND exercise as he'll explain below)

Enjoy this fun and simple 6-minute "morning ritual" to a leaner body.


The 6-Minute "Morning Ritual" That Burns Fat ALL Day Long

By Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Fitness expert for Men’s Health and Women’s Health magazines

Most people, at one point or another, have struggled to lose weight with long, slow and boring cardio exercise.

You’ve spent hours on the machines each week, for months at a time, only to get no results – and nothing but sores knees and a lighter wallet from wasted gym fees.

You need a different approach, one that uses a breakthrough in exercise science and delivers a workout that is 7 times more effective than cardio. Fortunately, this does NOT involve long, intense workouts (like those TV infomercials promote) that hurt your knees and back.

And this method doesn’t require expensive exercise gadgets.

Instead, this amazing system reverses your body’s natural aging, tones trouble spots and blasts through stubborn fat loss plateaus. How? By activating and restoring your body’s natural fat burning metabolism.

I’ll reveal this new 6-Minute Method to you in a just a second, but first, if you’re still skeptical, you need to see the three biggest reasons that cardio FAILS FOR FAT LOSS.

The Triple Threat of Cardio

There are 3 major reasons why cardio hasn’t worked for you.

In one study published in the journal Obesity, subjects did an hour of cardio 6 days per week for one year.

You know what happened?

The subjects lost only 5 pounds – in an entire year! That means it takes over 50 hours of slow, boring cardio to lose just ONE pound.

Crazy right?

Even worse, they didn’t lose 5 pounds of fat. They lost water weight and muscle too. When you burn muscle instead of fat, your metabolism slows down to a crawl. That means MUCH LESS fat burning. That’s reason #1 that cardio is terrible for fat loss.

In a 2nd study, this one from Britain, researchers discovered that many people actually GAIN weight from cardio. How?

Well, cardio turns some people into “compensators” that eat an extra 300 calories per day because the workouts make them more hungry. The compensators in this study gained 3 pounds after a 12-week cardio program. YIKES!

Finally, in a third study, researchers at the University of California found that ALL cardio machines overestimate the number of calories you burn in a workout. The elliptical machine was the worse, overestimating your calorie burn by a whopping 42%!

No wonder you may be struggling to lose weight with long, slow and boring cardio.

However, there is a MUCH better way to lose fat and it takes just 6-minutes in the morning. This simple system will help you burn fat ALL DAY LONG, even while you sleep.

In the first four minutes you activate your body’s fat burning furnace. After you’ve completed this Super Charged session, you’ll spend the next two minutes regenerating your body’s fat burning hormones.

The key is in the balance between Activation and Regeneration. This is the secret to blasting through stubborn fat loss plateaus. It doesn’t matter if you have 5 or 50 pounds to lose, you can use this amazing 6-Minute system to do it.

Here’s how it works…

Minute 1: Ignite the Fire

You’ll start with a simple movement pattern. The first 10 seconds activates your metabolism and cranks up your fat burning. These movements are a lot more fun than slogging away, over and over again, on a treadmill.

Right from the beginning you’ll FORCE your body to burn stubborn fat.

Minute 2: Trigger the Thermogenic Threshold

Between 60 and 90 seconds, your muscles start to pump out massive amounts of signaling compounds – think of it like your car releasing exhaust when you step down hard on the gas.

These powerful little compounds tell your body to release the metabolic “super-hormone” that burns 450% more FAT.

When you do cardio, you NEVER release this powerful hormone.

Minute 3: Feed the Fat Burning Fire

At this point your body starts tapping into its glycogen reserves. This is like grabbing some extra firewood and throwing it on top of the fire you already started. Guess what happens next?

Your body’s fat burning furnace gets even hotter and you’ll burn WAY more calories. This also sets you up to burn fat after you finish this short workout.

Minute 4: Afterburn Activated!

In the fourth and final minute of your metabolic movement session, you’ll max out your fat burning for the ENTIRE DAY. Here’s why:

• You’ve ignited your metabolic fire in the first minute
• You’ve released powerful fat burning “super-hormones” in the second minute
• You’ve tossed extra fuel on top of your fat burning fire in the third minute
• You’ve “switched on” your fat loss afterburners in the fourth minute.

You can consider this “Fat Burning Mission Accomplished” because your body will be burning fat for the next 48 hours. Awesome right?

This Afterburn is the MAGIC behind a special form of training that lets you lose more weight while exercising much, much less.

Minute 5: Regenerate the System

Your “movement” session is over now. But now you’re going to take your results to the next level. In the next two minutes you’re going to boost your fat burning with a delicious recovery meal.

This simple meal takes just 2 minutes to make but is the key to getting the fastest results possible.

Minute 6: Fat Burning Locked & Loaded for 48 Hours – Even While You Sleep!

You’re DONE!

As you enjoy the boost of energy and kick-start your daily fat burning, you’ll see how simple and easy this 6-Minute System is to add to your day.

Finally, nothing will get in between you and the body of your dreams.

This amazing method is the key to overcoming all the fat loss obstacles in your life and is a proven blueprint for losing the belly fat without giving up time with your family, friends or career.

And here’s the final beauty of this system: it doesn’t require any equipment.

You can do these 4-minute miracles anywhere, anytime, including in a hotel room, the park, and of course, the comfort of your own living room or bedroom (many folks just wake-up and exercise right away in their pajamas).

It’s the perfect way to start the day because you’re setting your body up to burn fat for a full 48 hours. The amazing “6-Minute Morning Ritual” method starts working immediately and you can expect amazing results.

I’ve been studying health and fat loss for more than 15 years. And this is my most important discovery yet.

Click here for the innovative “6-Minute Morning Ritual” method (don’t miss this)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

5 Metabolism Boosters

5 Metabolism Boosters: Separating Fact From Fiction

Don't eat close to bedtime. You may have been told not to eat too close to bedtime because of the theory that your metabolism slows down at night and you'll lose less weight than you would if you ate the same food earlier in the day. Not true, says Donna L. Weihofen, MS, RD, health nutritionist at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in Madison, Wisc. "Calories count whether you eat them in the morning or at night. The problem with nighttime eaters is that they are usually eating far more calories than they think, and the calories are denser."

Drinking water speeds metabolism. Drinking plenty of water is healthful for a number of reasons, but it doesn't make your body burn calories faster. It can help you feel full, which may keep some cravings at bay. "But that effect doesn't last very long," Weihofen cautions. "One of the things that does help is soup before a meal. A broth-type soup does help cut down on the amount of calories you will eat." Of course, broth won't speed metabolism, either, but it will help you stick to your diet plan.
Eat at the same time or at certain times every day to burn calories. Some diets recommend eating every couple of hours, while others advise sticking to a consistent schedule or number of meals for weight-loss success. Following a set schedule may help you stick to a diet plan, but doesn't help you burn more calories. "There's no magic to that," explains Weihofen. "It's whatever fits your lifestyle and your diet."
Eating breakfast boosts metabolism. Eating breakfast on a regular basis is important for shedding pounds, but not solely because it improves your metabolism, says Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at Houston Northwest Medical Center. "People who eat only one meal a day will shut down their metabolism. So breakfast is partly a metabolism-booster and it is partly to make sure you stay on track for the rest of the day," notes Banes. People who eat breakfast are less likely to binge later in the day, which of course promotes weight loss.
Build muscle. The reality is that there is only one way to enhance metabolism: Build more lean muscle mass. "The best way to increase metabolism is by incorporating physical activity, both cardio and weight training, to increase lean muscle mass, which is what burns the calories!" advises Dr. Anding.
Even at rest, muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, Anding says. So weight-loss programs that encourage strength training and other forms of exercise to improve your metabolism are your best bet.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Foods That Flatten Your Belly

Deflate that spare tire with these fruits and herbs that naturally trim belly fat

The top belly-fat blasters have actually been a part of a healthy lifestyle since the beginning of time, but you may not have thought of them to help slim your waistline.

Watermelon: A hydrating fruit rich in lycopene, it will increase your body’s arginine levels, an amino acid that ups the body’s fat-burning potential. At the same time the juicy red fruit helps the body burn fat, it also builds lean muscle. Just 1 cup a day does the trick.

Dill: Add this herb to veggies (especially cabbage), fish, casseroles, soups and stews, Dijon mustard or reduced-fat mayo to ease gas and bloating. You'll also get the added benefit of speeding up the breakdown of carbs and proteins in the gut.

Pineapple and Papaya: These two tropical fruits contain the enzyme bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties and shrinks belly fat. Many women know the disappointment of having a waistline that spills over the top of her waistband. But think of taking your first steps toward a slimmer middle this way--to change your waistline you have to first change your mind. Think differently about food and make food choices that work for you, rather than against you.

Mint: An herb, yes, but this one goes the extra belly-fat burning mile. Mint leaves trigger the release of extra bile from the gallbladder, which is important because it helps the body to digest fat. For a quick remedy to belly bloat (maybe you want to ease into that little form-fitting black dress?) add 10 crushed mint leaves to 2-4 cups of roasted dandelion tea every day and you could lose two or more pounds in 10-14 days.

Dandelion Root: I like roasted dandelion root tea to beat belly fat. The dandelion root increases liver function, which flushes toxins and excess water from the belly area and in turn gives you a flatter tummy. Just 2-4 cups a day does the trick.

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1. ** Promoting Hair Growth :** Castor oil is often used as a natural remedy to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. It contains rici...